
Economic Planning – 2017

ATC utilizes two methods to determine which projects have the potential for economic benefits:

  1. Stakeholder Input and Analyses
  2. Reliability Project Screening

These methods are described below.

Stakeholder Input and Analyses

In March 2008, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) Order 890-A took effect. Order 890-A requires a coordinated, open, and transparent transmission planning process on both a local and regional level. To comply with these requirements, ATC submitted a compliance filing on Order 890-A that provides a timeline of actions to ensure that the economic planning process is both coordinated and open.  ATC has also submitted a compliance filing on Order 1000 that incorporates public policy requirement needs into its economic planning analysis.

Annually, ATC will use a process with consistent timelines that combines stakeholder input, historical data, future line flow forecasts, and updated information on the electric system to identify transmission upgrades for economic evaluation.

Each year:

  • During February, we hold an initial stakeholder meeting to review the market congestion summary and potential fixes and to discuss economic study scenarios, drivers, ranges, and assumptions.
  • By March 1, we work with stakeholders to request and prioritize new/other economic studies and recommend study assumptions.
  • By April 15 – we identify preliminary areas of economic study, study assumptions, and models and solicit further comments from stakeholders, including soliciting stakeholders for public policy requirements that drive transmission needs.
  • By May 15 – we finalize areas of economic study, study assumptions, and models to be used in analysis, including a determination as to why or why not public policy requirements were included in the assumptions.
  • By November 15 – we provide a summary of the results of the economic analyses to our stakeholders.

ATC conducts analyses of the projects identified for study over several months’ time and posts the key results, including the extent to which these savings offset project costs. When the expected benefits of a studied project are high enough to justify its costs, the process of developing it as a formal proposal is begun.

As a result of the 2021 ATC/stakeholder collaborative process, we are performing economic analyses on the following ATC facilities:

Economic Planning Study Areas
  • North Lake Geneva 138-kV Area
  • De Pere 138-kV Area

Studies are performed and results shared with stakeholders over the course of the year. In addition, customers and stakeholders who would like to request specific economic studies can do so if they are willing to pay for the studies and are willing to have the results posted publicly.

Reliability Project Screening

Economic analyses were performed on 14 projects from the 2020 10-Year Assessment project list to determine whether those projects were candidates for acceleration or deferral based on economic considerations. Please refer Table EP-1 for the list of projects screened. The list of 14 projects was based primarily on the availability of redispatch and capital costs of the projects; however, lower cost projects specifically identified by the ATC planning department were also included in the study. Generation interconnection and distribution interconnection projects were not eligible for inclusion in this list. Further, capacitor bank projects were not considered since the voltage benefits provided were not captured by the PROMOD software analysis. Finally, projects with in-service dates prior to 2024 were not considered since development of those projects was too far underway to make scheduling changes. As a result of this screening, none of the projects showed significant economic savings to ATC customers. This may change depending on assumptions or modeling of the system. Economic planning will continue to work with reliability planning, if any further analysis needs to be completed. 

A similar analysis will be performed in the 2022 10-Year Assessment based upon the 2021 Assessment project list. 

Table EP-1

Project #ProjectPlanning Zone
1North Central WI Reliability Project 1
2Harrison Tap – Iola 69-kV (Y-70), Rebuild & OPGW1
3Groenier – Rosholt (ALTE) Tap, 69-kV (Y-71), Partial Rebuild and Rerate 1
4Pine Hy Tap – Pine Hy 69-kV (ASPY31-1), Rebuild & OPGW 2
59 Mile SW STA – Pine River 69-kV (6921/23) Partial Rebuild2
6Cornell Tap – Watson Tap 69-kV (Chandler), Partial Rebuild 2
7Chandler-Delta 69-kV (Delta1 and Escanaba1), Partial Rebuild and OPGW 2
8Pine River - Mich Limestone Loading Dock 69-kV (ESE_6906), Rebuild 2
9Gran Grae SS, Install a second 161/69-kV transformer Replacement 3
10Hillman - Darlington 138kV (X-14/X-101), Rebuild 3
11South Fond du Lac - Spring Brook 69-kV (Y-133), Partial rebuild 3
12South Beaver Dam - Hubbard, (Y-134), 69-kV Rebuild & OPGW 3
13South Beaver Dam – North Beaver Dam, 69-kV (Y-59) Line Rebuild 3
14Waupun - South Fond du Lac 69-kV, (Y-25) Partial Rebuild 4
List of 10-Year Assessment 2021 Economically Screened Projects

2018 Meetings, Materials and Announcements

October 25, 2018 Stakeholder Meeting

ATC is planning to host a customer/stakeholder meeting on October 25, 2018, scheduled from 9:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. (CDT), via web and teleconference. ATC will discuss a summary of the 2018 10-Year Assessment, the 2019 10-Year Assessment Preliminary Study Design, and the 2018 ATC Economic Planning Study Results.

The following materials will be discussed at the meeting.

Meeting Agenda

2018 10-Year Assessment – Summary

2019 10-Year Assessment – Study Design

2018 ATC Economic Planning – Study Results

As part of the 2018 10-Year Assessment, no new public policy requirements were brought to the attention of ATC. For the 2019 10-Year Assessment, ATC will review Public Policy Requirements* of which it is aware and solicit information from stakeholders including federal, state, and local regulators regarding needs driven by Public Policy Requirements and potential Transmission Facilities to address those needs. ATC requests that stakeholders provide ATC with information regarding needs driven by Public Policy Requirements or potential Transmission Facilities to address those needs.

* As set forth in MISO Tariff Attachment FF-ATCLLC, “Public Policy Requirements” means “enacted statutes (i.e., passed by the legislature and signed by the executive) and regulations promulgated by a relevant jurisdiction, whether within a state or at the federal level, including duly enacted laws or regulations passed by a local governmental entity, such as a municipal or county government.”

May 25, 2018 Updates

As discussed in previous ATC customer and stakeholder meetings, ATC is continuing to implement a process to provide a summary list of Network and Asset Renewal project updates. These updates support consistency between the 2017 10-Year Assessment project lists and the proposed MTEP18 projects. The update lists found at the links below contain projects with changes compared to the lists ATC published in the 2017 10-Year Assessment.

Projects listed may be new, cancelled, changed in scope, or have changed in-service dates. Some projects listed may have previously been included in the lists, but are now being shown with greater detail and to provide greater clarity. ATC will continue to solicit feedback on this process in the customer and stakeholder meetings. If you have any questions regarding the process or the list please contact David Smith, Manager – Reliability Group, at dsmith@atcllc.com.

Updates to 2017 10-Year Assessment Network Project List

Updates to 2017 10-Year Assessment Asset Renewal Project Lists

In addition to the project updates the Preliminary Solutions presentation has been updated and the revised presentation is available at the link below. The revisions address stakeholder comments regarding the Bayport – Pioneer and Pioneer – Crivitz projects as well as adding some additional information to the generation and energy storage interconnections queue map.

2018 10-Year Assessment – Preliminary Solutions, Revision 1

May 15, 2018 Posting

ATC has reviewed comments and feedback received from our stakeholders and has finalized its Futures Matrix and Project List for our 2018 economic analysis. The following materials provide greater detail regarding ATC’s study assumptions and study areas.

ATC 2018 Economic Planning Info – MISO MTEP18 Futures Summary

ATC Economic Projects Study Areas

Additionally ATC has requested feedback on Public Policy Requirements that may drive transmission needs.  No feedback was submitted as a part of this study process.  ATC has performed its own inquiry regarding Public Policy Requirements and determined that no additional Public Policy Requirements exist to incorporate into this study.

Questions and comments from the May 3rd meeting are being reviewed.  Answers and response to questions and concerns are being reviewed and will be posted at a future date.

We appreciate your participation in this process and look forward to continued communication as we proceed through the 2018 analysis.  Any comments or inquiries related to these studies can be submitted to Dale Burmester, Manager – Economic Planning, at dburmester@atcllc.com

May 3, 2018 Stakeholder Meeting

ATC is planning to host a customer/stakeholder meeting on May 3, 2018, scheduled from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. (CDT), via web and teleconference. ATC will discuss the 2018 10-Year Assessment Preliminary Solutions and the 2018 ATC Economic Planning Study Areas and Assumptions, as indicated in the agenda. The following materials will be discussed at this meeting:

Meeting Agenda

2018 10-Year Assessment – Preliminary Solutions

2018 10-Year Assessment – Preliminary Network Solutions

2018 10-Year Assessment – Preliminary Asset Renewal Solutions

ATC 2018 Economic Planning Study Assumptions

Please indicate your participation plans to Jeremy Voigt at jvoigt@atcllc.com by April 30.

Any comments or inquiries related to the 2018 10-Year Assessment can be submitted to David Smith, Manager – Reliability Group, at dsmith@atcllc.com

Any comments or inquiries about the 2018 Economic Planning Study can be submitted to Dale Burmester, Manager – Economic Planning, at dburmester@atcllc.com.

March 1, 2018 Stakeholder Meeting

ATC is planning to host a customer and stakeholder meeting on March 1, 2018, scheduled from 9:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. (CST), via web and teleconference. ATC will discuss the 2018 10-Year Assessment Preliminary Needs, give an update on the 2017 ATC Economic Planning Study, and kickoff the 2018 ATC Economic Planning Study, as indicated in the agenda.

The following materials will be discussed at this meeting:

Meeting Agenda

2018 10-Year Assessment Preliminary Needs

2018 10-Year Assessment – Preliminary Network Continuing Needs

2018 10-Year Assessment – Preliminary Asset Renewal Continuing Needs

2018 10-Year Assessment – Preliminary Limitations

2017 ATC Economic Planning Study Update / 2018 ATC Economic Planning Study Kickoff

As discussed in previous ATC customer and stakeholder meetings, ATC is continuing to implement a process to provide a summary list of Network and Asset Renewal project updates. These updates support consistency between the 2017 10-Year Assessment project lists and the proposed MTEP18 projects. The update lists found at the links below contain projects with changes compared to the lists ATC published in the 2017 10-Year Assessment.

Projects listed may be new, cancelled, changed in scope, or have changed in-service dates. Some projects listed may have previously been included in the lists, but are now being shown with greater detail and to provide greater clarity. ATC will continue to solicit feedback on this process in the customer and stakeholder meetings. If you have any questions regarding the process or the list please contact David Smith, Manager – Reliability Group, at dsmith@atcllc.com.

We identified preliminary areas of economic study, study assumptions and models and solicit further comments from the stakeholders, including soliciting stakeholders for public policy requirements that drive transmission needs, prior to April 15th.

Updates to ATC 2017 10-Year Assessment Network Project List

Updates to ATC 2017 10-Year Assessment Asset Renewal Project Lists