Planning considerations
Expansion drivers
Customer needs
Planning criteria
System performance criteria
Capacity ben. margin criteria
Transmission reserve margin
Facility rating criteria
Model building criteria
Facility condition criteria
Planning zones
System alternatives
Load forecast criteria
Economic criteria
Environmental criteria
Variations on ATC criteria
Other considerations
Methodology & assumptions
NERC compliance
System Performance Criteria

Project constructability

We will consider the constructability of proposed additions, replacements or modifications to the transmission system as part of our system planning process. In particular we will consider:

  1. Whether addition, replacement or modification of a transmission line, transformer or other facility would result in violation of the System performance criteria, and
  2. Whether addition, replacement or modification of a transmission line, transformer or other facility precludes the ability of ATC Operations to conduct maintenance activities on other transmission facilities.


Multiple contingency planning

We will conduct system planning in accordance with the System performance criteria above, including planning for single contingency events. There may be circumstances, however, where the risk to ATC and/or ATC customers of a multiple contingency event is sufficiently severe to warrant consideration for planning purposes. Examples of such an event would include:


  1. The loss of a transmission facility during the period of maintenance or repair of another transmission facility,
  2. A multiple contingency arising from a common cause such as a fire, flood, etc., or
  3. Failure of a transmission structure supporting multiple circuits.

We will consider the relative probability and consequences of certain selected multiple contingency scenarios to determine whether to apply a multiple contingency standard.


Such multiple contingency scenarios may warrant consideration of operating guides or reinforcements. In these circumstances, we will document the potential event(s), the associated risks and potential mitigation measures, and will coordinate with affected customers, as appropriate.

(Applicable NERC Standard: TPL-003-0-B, TPL-004-0-B)


Terminal equipment limitations

Substation terminal equipment should not limit transmission facility ratings under NERC Category A or NERC Category B contingency conditions. This criterion would apply to new transmission facilities and should be reviewed when proposing modifications to existing facilities.


Maximization of existing rights-of-way

We will attempt to maximize use of existing rights-of-ways. Existing electric transmission, gas pipeline, railroad and highway corridors will be identified in all comparisons of alternatives and utilized where feasible. Environmental features of a right of way are also important to our operations. Environmental assessments are built into planning at a high level, and are continued into project assessments as projects move forward through to construction. In addition to avoiding and protecting environmentally sensitive areas, ATC is committed to working in partnership with regulators, environmental organizations and landowners to enhance areas of environmental significance.


Since 2001, ATC has been an active partner in the Wisconsin karner blue butterfly partnership and manages rights of way in the karner blue butterfly range for host and nectar plants. ATC has also sponsored education and added management partnerships for this species. ATC is also recognized as a Green Tier company, with acceptance in October 2005. Green Tier is a program administered by the state of Wisconsin to recognize excellence in environmental performance. Through this program we continue to work closely with the Wisconsin Department of Natural resources to continually improve our environmental performance.

Reduction of transmission system losses

ATC considers the benefit of reducing system losses along with other performance benefits and cost factors in evaluations of alternative transmission projects or plans. See Economic criteria.


Transmission system operating considerations in the planning process

  1. Operating procedures (operating guides)
    • Operating guides are not preferred under normal conditions, but may be employed by ATC and/or entities with generation and/or distribution facilities interconnected with the ATC transmission system to avoid transmission facility loadings in excess of normal ratings provided such procedures are practical for sustained periods, if they meet the following conditions:
      • Do not compromise personnel or public safety
      • Do not degrade system reliability
      • Do not result in a significant loss of equipment life or significant risk of damage to a transmission facility.
      • Do not unduly burden any entity financially.
    • Supervisory switching capability is required to accomplish these operating procedures. Field switching will not be relied upon as a means to reduce facility loadings or to restore voltages to within acceptable levels.
    • ATC will strive to verify the efficacy of all operating guides that require on-site operations.
  2. System Planning - ATC will strive to plan the transmission system such that operating flexibility is maximized. We will accomplish this by considering as wide a variety of scenarios as practical, including maintenance scenarios, when evaluating alternative transmission projects or plans.


Radial transmission service

We will evaluate the risk of serving customer load from radial facilities. Such evaluations will consider the amount of load being served, the capability of the underlying distribution system and the amount of time that service is likely to be interrupted for the loss/failure of the radial facility.


Relaxation criteria

At times it may be appropriate to consider a relaxation of ATC-specific criteria, as long as NERC and RRO standards are still satisfied. As system planners perform their work, they should evaluate when it may be appropriate to allow a relaxation of ATC-specific criteria. A decision to relax ATC-specific criteria should be made very carefully considering all of the issues involved (including - but not limited to – Electric Reliability Organization (ERO) and RE requirements and Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) directives related to transmission service requirements) and then only after performing a detailed assessment of the types and levels of risks involved in the decision. Planners are not permitted to relax ATC-specific criteria on their own. Instead, these situations should be identified and discussed with their manager for further evaluation. The final decision in this regard will be made by the Director – System Planning. If any decisions of this type are made, then these decisions will be documented and archived for future reference.


Interconnection studies

The following analyses and procedures should be performed for all new or modified interconnection facilities (generation, transmission, and end-user) to the ATC system to properly assess their reliability impact on the interconnected systems. For some analyses, a formal study report may be appropriate. For other analyses, a simple statement of assumptions and rationale may be sufficient. 

1)  Types of Analysis

The analyses are to include steady state, short-circuit, and dynamic assessments that include the requirements in TPL-001-0, TPL-002-0, TPL-003-0, and TPL-004-0.

2)  Compliance with Applicable Planning Criteria

The analyses and procedures are to comply with all applicable NERC, Regional Entity, and individual system planning criteria of the affected parties.

3)  Coordination with Affected Entities

The results of the analyses will be jointly evaluated and coordinated by the affected entities.

4)  Essential Documentation

All analyses should include the evaluation assumptions, system performance, alternatives considered, and any jointly coordinated recommendations.

5)  Specific Study Methodologies

Generator Interconnection studies will follow the study guidelines as described in the MISO Business Practice Manual for Generator Interconnections.

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