Completed since 2010
New in 2011
Under construction
Pending approval
Generation Interconnections
T-D Interconnections
Figure PR-6 -- Number of Projects 2001-2011 (151k pdf)
Figure PR-7 -- Cost of Projects 2001-2011 (152k pdf)
Figure PR-8 -- Costs of 2011 Projects by Status
COSTS PDF of Current Page

The estimated capital costs for all of the projects reflected in Figure PR-6 are shown in Figure PR-7. The figure shows that the combined capital costs for 10-Year Assessment projects that are completed, canceled, replaced, in licensing and under construction account for roughly 83 percent of the estimated total 2001-2011 capital costs, with future projects accounting for the remaining 17 percent of the total. The estimated capital costs depicted in Figure PR-7 are based only on those projects listed in the previous and current Assessment(s) that affect system performance.

The total 10-year capital expenditure described in this Assessment ranges from $3.8 to $4.4 billion. The cost estimate for all 2011 10-Year Assessment system reliability and economics projects (not including regional multi-value projects) to be placed in-service is approximately $1.0 billion, which is the same as the 2010 Assessment estimate. Figure PR-8 categorizes the current $1.0 billion 2011 Assessment system reliability and economics project dollars by status. Planned projects (including those projects in design and under construction) account for 25% of the reliability and economic dollars, proposed projects account for 41% of the dollars, and provisional projects account for the remaining 34% of the dollars.

Asset renewal project costs as outlined in our Asset Renewal section account for approximately $1.0 billion. Other anticipated projects, including regional multi-value projects, road relocations, generation and distribution interconnections, and unspecified network projects make up the remaining $1.8 – 2.4 billion of the total $3.8 – $4.4 billion range.


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